Case Studies

Different needs, different questions to answer, different tasks to fulfill, all different interiors and at the end all happy clients! That’s what counts the most.

Apartment with Cameleon

Apartment inspired by Nowodvorski lamp company


Interiors with my paintings

Interiors for art, art for interiors. Here comes the selection of interiors based on original paintings ideas.

Projects in progress

Selection of visualisations


Unique door collection created by Kamila Sitak


Apartment in Żoliborz

Spacies, full of light 100m2 apartment in the residential area of Warsaw.

Pantry of Polish Tastes restaurant

Project build around the idea of convertible herbs installations.


Purple and white beauty clinic. Jewelry of the interior custom made 2m long glass lamps.

Naam Thai Restaurant

Minimalistic approach does magic in this marriage of Polish environment and Thai tastes.